Sustainable development


Our Commitment to Environmental Protection 

As an international company, we understand our responsibility for the natural environment, which is our common good. Environmental actions are the foundation of our quality policy, so we make every effort to ensure our production activities have as little impact on the surroundings as possible. 

Innovations and Technologies for the Environment 

In our production facility, we implement innovative and technologically advanced solutions. Koral company is equipped with its own wastewater treatment plant, which is crucial for the protection of the cleanliness of local waters. Our heating plant running on heating oil is another step towards reducing CO2 emissions, thus supporting the maintenance of clean air for the local community. The waste generated in the production of salmon and other fish is processed into fishmeal, which then finds application in further production by specialized companies. 

Eco-friendly Actions in Practice 

Our commitment to environmental protection does not end with technological innovations. Responsible environmental management also includes: 

  • Limiting business travel in favor of tele- and videoconferences, thereby reducing our carbon footprint. 
  • Implementing electronic data transfer and invoice circulation systems, which allows for the reduction of paper usage. 
  • Waste segregation, which is the basis of responsible resource management. 
  • Providing containers for used batteries and bulbs, promoting recycling and responsible disposal. 
  • Encouraging employees to save water and energy, which translates into conscious and sustainable use of resources. 

We are convinced that our actions contribute to the protection and improvement of the natural environment. By caring for the ecosystem, we not only protect our planet but also create a better future for subsequent generations. 


ESG stands for Environmental, Social, and Governance, which denotes a company’s responsibility in environmental, social, and management areas. It focuses on how enterprises contribute to sustainable development, caring for environmental protection, social welfare, and ethical and transparent management practices. This is a key element in building long-term value and trust among customers.